Empowerment and Impact: A Recap of Our Women’s Self-Defense Class Fundraiser

This weekend, the Sarasota Children’s Museum took a powerful step towards not only raising funds for our upcoming exhibits and events but also empowering women within our community. We hosted a dynamic Women’s Self-Defense Class led by the incredible Master Kelly Trautwein, a 6th-degree black belt, at the welcoming Transform Martial Arts Studio, owned by Brooke Bairos.

Around 20 women, spanning a diverse age range, gathered with a common goal: to learn, to empower, and to support. The morning started off quietly, with participants sipping their coffee and letting the caffeine kick in. But as Master Kelly began to share her expertise, the room’s energy shifted dramatically. We delved into essential skills like being safe, trusting our instincts, staying aware of our surroundings, and using our bodies effectively to create space. The techniques of punching, pushing, kicking, and escaping were practiced, transforming the initially still room into a hub of energy, shouts, and powerful strikes against the bags.

The transformation was palpable; we started the day in silence and ended in a chorus of yells, each one a statement of newfound strength and confidence. This wasn’t just about self-defense; it was a journey of personal growth, community building, and making a tangible impact on our beloved museum.

We’re thrilled to announce that the event was a resounding success, raising over $1,000 for the Sarasota Children’s Museum. These funds are crucial for us as we continue to develop and host exhibits and events that inspire and educate our community’s children. We are immensely grateful to Master Kelly Trautwein and Brooke Bairos for their generosity, expertise, and for creating such an empowering experience.

But the journey doesn’t end here. This event is a part of our ongoing efforts to engage with our community through fun, family-centric fundraisers. We believe in the power of coming together, learning together, and making a difference together. If you have an idea for a future fundraiser or would like to get involved, we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to us at hello@sarasotachildrensmuseum.org.

Together, we can create a safer, stronger, and more connected community. Thank you to everyone who participated and supported this event. Your involvement is what makes our mission possible. Let’s keep the momentum going, one empowering event at a time.